Die 12 Januari 1749
Premisis evib. denuntiationibus evib diebus festivis de precepto (rit iuvis est) inter ??? sol(l)emnia, quavid p.ma fuit die 15 Xbris 1748, 2da fuit die 26 eiusdem mensis, 3ca denuis fuit die 29 eiusdem mensis, nulloq. impedimento detecto Ego Arcangelus Debono Parochus interrogavi Laurentio Sammut filio legali et nat. Jo:Maria Sammut, et Maria (Cini?) coniug. de Casali Musta et Anna Debono filia leg.ma et mat. Laurentis Debono et Rosa Coniug. de Cas. Attard, conuig(?) mutuo consenso ???? per verba de presenti matrimonio coniunxi, presentibus testib Redo. D. Joanne Vassallo, Laurentio Debono, et ??? in celebratione missa ex vitu S. Maria Ecclesia benedixit Revus. D. Antonius Griscti de mea licentia.
12th January 1749
(Marriage banns made as requested by laws) first being 15th December 1748, second being 26th of the same month, third being on 29th of same month: no impediment detected. I, Archangel Debono, parish priest, interviewed Lawrence Sammut legal and natural son of John Mary Sammut and Maria (Cini ?) his wife from the town of Mosta and Anna Debono legitimate and natural daughter of Lawrence Debono and Rosa his wife from the town of Attard: who verbally gave their mutual consent for this wedding in front of Reverend Don John Vassallo, Lawrence Debono. At the end of the mass celebration held in the Church of Santa Maria, Rev Anthony Griscti gave his blessings, by my authority.
Commentary: the bride's mother's maiden surname is 99% Cini - the only doubt is the difference in calligraphy when writing the C, as compared to other capital Cs in the script (such as that of Casali and Coniug) which have no leading line into the C.
Once again a branch takes us away from the town of Attard, into that of Mosta, but the research continued up the bride's ancestors, thus remaining in Attard.